Question: Do you set New Year’s resolutions? I don’t. If you do, there’s no shame in the game. I know at some level that committing to a resolution for a year wouldn’t work for me. I can barely commit to a to-do list for the day. Here’s the deal 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. We can disrupt this story. F*ck resolutions. Let’s concentrate on living in the moment and being a good human being. I want you to be, I want to be successful. That means we find ways to move forward for the benefit of all.

Looking forward to 2023

Don’t judge me. I’m a sucker for a New Year’s Eve scene where a boy and girl find their way to each other (When Harry Met Sally), but I’m also a realist. Let’s practice the following in 2023 such as being grateful, identifying hope, spreading good stories, and lifting others up.

Forget New Year’s resolutions, instead focus on ways to practice self-care and -love every day. Create a calendar of your practicing these rituals. Be grateful. Research shows the more we practice gratitude the more we gain, the more we attract abundance. Reach out to others.

Yes, there is noise about wars, discrimination, inequities, disparities, going to Mars, and the 1%. Please understand this is a distraction. Imagine a world where we came together and disrupted the status quo. Oh, what a world world it would be.

Take Action

Instead of New Year’s resolutions what are the rituals you will practice in 2023?

What are you hopeful for?

What are your intentions for 2023?