
We are born perfect. Then we are told how to be. Let’s disrupt these stories and return to our best verison.

Representation Rebellion is a manifesto, a safe space to join in community, to be inspired, and to tell your stories.


It’s the system. It’s not you.

Self Inquiry

Have you sat in a meeting and felt like a speck of dust?

Do you go to bed exhausted while your heart thuds and brain races about all the mistakes you made at work and you forgot to buy soccer shoes for your youngest?

Are you weighed down with dread like you’re wearing lead shoes?

Data-holy shit

53% of women say they’re lonely at work and it only gets worse the higher we climb.

It’s natural to feel alone in the workplace. Less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Only 10% of university presidents and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are women. Women-owned businesses account for less than 20% of businesses owned in the U.S.

Research shows that women, especially those in leadership roles, experience significantly greater burnout compared to men because of their unpaid caregiver responsibilities, work-life imbalances, and working in a gender biased system.

There are reasons we feel invisible and alone, exhausted, depressed, and questioning our worth. It’s in the data.
And these are the stories we’ve embodied.

I see you. You are not alone.

Dr. Michelle Zive

I’ve been there. I worked at UC San Diego for over 30 years. I brought in millions of dollars for projects that helped our most vulnerable communities. Then the County took over my projects and said, “Bye, bye.” Simultaneously, I received my Ph.D. from the University of San Diego. In my first leadership class not one woman was mentioned. It set the stage for the next four years.

Both experiences made me feel dismissed, disposable, and unworthy. Up to this point, I’d compartmentalized my life into work and personal. Now, my unworthiness seeped into my personal life. This meant beating myself up for picking up food instead of making it for the family, my weight gain, and dropping the ball to get my son’s soccer registration done in time.

Then I disrupted these cultural stories by telling my stories. I am visible. I am rejuvenated. I am a badass. I know who I am and I love myself. Don’t you want the same thing?

Be visible. Be vibrant. You are worthy.

Ready to unleash your inner badass?

Join me and other high-achieving women to share your stories in community. Discover powerful insights and practical strategies that will begin your journey from invisible to invincible.

Our community will help you:

  • Re-discover your self-worth.
  • Become aware about the systems and cultural stories we are told that keep us stuck and small.
  • Create the biggest, baddest version of YOUrself.

Don’t miss this opportunity to revive your passion, reconnect with your purpose, and thrive both personally and professionally. It’s time to regain your radiance and embrace a brighter future.

Together, we reclaim our power, we make decisions about how to live our lives, we listen, and we come together in community. ONWARD!

Stories that Disrupt.

Discover empowering stories that challenge societal norms and delve into topics such as purpose, mental health, leadership, and self-love, inviting you to embrace growth, passion, and a life unapologetically lived. You will learn how to unleash your power and wisdom and not give a shit doing so.

Empowering Women’s Voices: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Story
Empowering Women’s Voices: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Story

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing

My Birthday: The Big 6-0
My Birthday: The Big 6-0

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with

Welcome Fall: Listen, Autumn Talks
Welcome Fall: Listen, Autumn Talks

I’m a S-U-C-K-E-R for fall. It’s the best season. The charm of fall isn’t just

Redefining Midlife Crisis: How to Navigate Existential Questions
Redefining Midlife Crisis: How to Navigate Existential Questions

Lately, I’ve been questioning my purpose, my identity, and the meaning of life.

Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Boundaries

My heart is mushy and open. I love this about myself, but it comes at the cost

It’s Always the Age to Be a Child
It’s Always the Age to Be a Child

I might have been born a serious child since there was some serious shit going

Middle of Life
Middle of Life

Do you remember the song, “One (Is the Loneliest Number)” by Three Dog Night?

Imposter Syndrome is a Lie
Imposter Syndrome is a Lie

One of my LinkedIn sisters asked me what was the biggest challenge to being

You Matter
You Matter

Dr. Z, why are you talking about suicide? Because someone has to. I’ve lost

Do you have a story to tell?


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