You Matter

You Matter

Dr. Z, why are you talking about suicide? Because someone has to. I’ve lost people to suicide including a high school boyfriend, one of my best friends, and a cousin. Yet, no one, those closest to them, said it was suicide. My aunt said her daughter died of alcoholism, which is more acceptable in an…

Loneliness KILLS

Loneliness KILLS

Dr. Z, why are you talking about loneliness the day after Valentine’s Day? Because V-day is a constructed celebration that encourages us to spend almost $24 billion on candy, cards, and flowers to connect to others. Yet, no amount of money is going to solve our loneliness pandemic. Instead of spending money on “connecting” with…

Looking back at 2022

Looking back at 2022

Question: Do you set New Year’s resolutions? I don’t. If you do, there’s no shame in the game. I know at some level that committing to a resolution for a year wouldn’t work for me. I can barely commit to a to-do list for the day. Here’s the deal 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail….

Welcome Winter

Welcome Winter

The easiest job in the world is a meteorologist in San Diego because it’s always sunny and nice. This is the set up for what a wuss I am. I don’t like winter the shorter days (bring back Pacific Daylight Time), the “cold”, or the possibility of two or more consecutive days of rain. However,…

Beautiful young woman with red lipstick

Face Off: Part I*

Justine Bateman is embroiled in a scandal.  Bateman is best known for her role as Mallory Keaton from the television sitcom Family Ties, a role she had from 1982 to 1989 (ages 16 to 25).   For those of us in our 50s, we remember Bateman as the cute, fashion-conscious, airhead, who was the butt of…

Empty Chairs at an outdoor restaurant

There’s No Magic Pill

For Jenn Simpson It’s a bleak statement, however, I don’t want to lead you on and pretend there is an answer. For me, this reflection began with COVID-19, and it came to a crescendo with the vaccine. For over 30 years, as a registered dietitian, I’ve been responsible for large community health projects to increase…